- 这也许只是向更好的医院迈出的一小步。
- That would be small step towards better hospitals .
- 这是漫漫长途中开始迈出的一小步。
- That is a small first step on a long journey .
- 这是最重要的步骤!
- This is the most important step !
- 医学正以惊人的速度发展。
- Medicine is advancing at an astonishing pace .
- 我机会去根据自己的脚步来学习。
- Me the chance to learn at my own pace .
- 交易撮合的速度可能放缓。
- The pace of dealmaking could slow .
- 我听到他踩在阶梯上的脚步声。
- I heard his footstep on the stairs .
- 弗吉尼亚大学开发的homeguardian定于明年发布,其工作方式也类似,它会分析脚步模式来发现问题。
- And home guardian , developed at the university of virginia and set to be released next year , works in a similar way , analysing footstep patterns to detect problems .
- 游泳时,人们会不停地蹬踏让自己保持在水面上。
- When you tread water , you lift yourself up by pushing water down .
- 他愉快而轻描淡写地补充道:“我试着保证我们不会过多地踩在香蕉皮上。”
- With cheerful understatement he adds : " I try to make sure we don 't tread on too many banana skins . "
- 但大多数的人(还是表面看上去的情况)恐惧地观望着,因为他们认出了我,不敢相信我敢踏上这片受到神佑的土地。
- But most , or again so it seemed , looked on in horror because they recognized me and couldn 't believe that I would dare tread upon this sacred soil .
- 没有声息,就听不到任何人脚步的回音。
- Soundless , not echoing anyone 's steps .
- 迈着沉重的步子,她走向厨房。
- She walked with heavy steps towards the kitchen .
- 你可以走上这些台阶。
- You can walk up the steps .
- 伦敦部分地区的商店周三再度提前关门,而客流量数据显示,周二全国购物人数比去年同一天下降逾7%。
- Shops in some areas of london closed early again on wednesday , while footfall figures showed that the number of shoppers nationally on tuesday was more than 7 per cent down compared with the same day last year .
- 像一朵花瓣,像一团火焰,像压低的脚步
- As a flower , as a fire , as a hushed footfall
- 简妮:你打算在电视里看足球比赛明天晚上,本?
- Jiamin : are you going to watch the footfall game on tv tomorrow evening , ben ?