- 卡特朝卡西亚诺的胸部开了枪。
- Carter shot casiano in the chest .
- 她沉重的胸前面挂着一架塑料的双光眼镜。
- She had plastic bifocals hanging on a chain over her heavy chest .
- 该图片没有电子合成,真实展示了一个男人的胸。
- The picture , not digitally enhanced , is of a real man 's chest .
- 它们体型较大,能长到5厘米长,在它们的胸部,腿部和强壮的颚部都生有尖刺。
- They are relatively large , growing up to 5cm long , have sharp spines across their thorax and legs and a pair of strong biting jaws .
- 我怀疑如果你告诉他你可能为在餐馆的一餐花$500,他的胸膛气得会蹦出一只小野兽,不同的方式,杀了他,用优惠卷买小凯撒批萨。
- I suspect if you told him it was possible to spend $ 500 on a restaurant meal a little beastie would burst from his thorax , " alien " - style , killing him but offering coupons for little caesar 's pizza .
- 这些成为胸部侧面突出物的原基最初可能已经增大,起到翅的作用,或者他们最初可能是用来滑翔的。
- They may have originally been lateral outgrowths of the thorax becoming enlarged to serve as wings.or they may have been lateral outgrowths of the thorax that were originally used in gliding .
- 想要战胜心脏病吗?
- Want to beat heart attacks ?
- 打开自己的心灵。
- Keep your heart open .
- 软件开发已成为创新产业的核心。
- Software engineering is at heart a creative profession .
- 十余年的合法斗争后,走出高森严防的监狱回到家人怀抱阿布卡塔达,其照片仍然占据着英国各大报纸的头版头条。
- Ten years of legal duelling , and pictures of abu qatada being ferried from a high-security prison to the bosom of his family are still screaming across britain 's front pages .
- 如果这样的话,那么这种影响就不仅限于在母亲的怀里了。
- If so , such effects seem to extend beyond the mother 's bosom .
- 坎贝尔的裸胸写真照片大胆地出现在一系列限量版t恤上,这些t恤是为她创立的慈善组织“时尚救济”(fashionforrelief)筹集资金而推出的。
- Ms. campbell 's naked bosom is on bold display on some of the limited-edition t-shirts being sold to raise money for a charity she founded , fashion for relief .