- 在人行道上你常看见水泥。
- You commonly see cement on sidewalks .
- 印度加大了从巴基斯坦进口水泥的数量。
- Imports of pakistani cement are now soaring .
- 为巩固这一成功,在它们北方的兄弟应该建一座桥,而不是一堵墙。
- To help cement that success , their northern cousins should build bridges , not walls .
- 煤也曾被用来烧制用本地粘土制造的砖。
- The coal was also used to fire bricks made from local clay .
- 克莱特别希望通过一项将联邦政府出售公共土地所得资金分配给各州的法案。
- Clay especially wanted approval of a bill to give the different states money from the sale of public land .
- 克莱说,一项好的法律应该是让逃亡的奴隶回到他们的主人手中。
- Clay said a better law was needed for the return of fugitive slaves to their owners .
- 有些奶酪有特别的磨擦方法。
- Some cheeses have a special recipe for this daub .
- 不必力求完美--只要尽快把铀漆涂上。
- It doesn 't need to be perfect just daub the paint on as quiekly as possible .
- 任何单位和个人不得修改、涂抹、标注、损毁公司登记档案资料。
- No unit and individual shall revise , daub , mark or break down the documents of company registration files .
- 看,壁画都应该要在潮湿的石膏上画,否则它们会剥离。
- See , frescoes are supposed to be painted on wet plaster or they start to peel .
- 忘掉那些贴膏药式的纾困和挤牙膏式的紧缩方案吧,欧元区债务危机的终极解决办法是“政治联盟”。
- Forget the sticking plaster bail-outs and slice-by-slice austerity packages . The ultimate solution to the eurozone debt crisis is " political union " .
- 至于暗能量的想法,艾莉森将它称为“贴膏药”,以此来掩盖我们实际并不了解这究竟是什么的事实。
- As for the idea of dark energy , alison describes it as a " sticking plaster " that masks the fact that we don 't really know what it represents .
- 披罗走进厨房,拿来了他放在柜台底下的一个毁坏了的迫击炮外壳。
- Pero goes into the kitchen and comes back holding the mangled tail of a mortar shell he keeps under the counter .
- 有些废弃物,如砖石混凝土可以在生产砌筑砂浆、混凝土垫层等过程中代替沙子。
- Some waste materials like bricks , stones and concrete could replace sand to produce masonry mortar , concrete cushion and so on .
- 事实上,“点击加砂浆”仅仅意味着blockbuster必须花很多的钱将一个全新的信息技术系统整合进它的商店已有的系统里面。
- In practice , " clicks and mortar " just meant that blockbuster had to spend lots of money and time integrating an entirely new information-technology system into the one its stores already had .