- 十点半的时候,外壳用胶木做的电话响了。
- The big black bakelite phone rang at half past ten .
- 新型人造树胶墙式收发话机(35a5型)问世。
- New bakelite wall monophone ( type 35a5 ) .
- 他目前的实验是改变一个古胶木收音机的插头,这个收音机是她母亲曾经给他玩的。
- His current experiment was changing a plug on an ancient bakelite radio his mother had given him to play with .
- 整合两家公司并非易事,但福米加驳斥了有关newstar与亨德森之间存在文化差异的说法。
- Integrating two companies is not an easy task but mr formica rebuts claims of cultural differences between new star and henderson .
- 下午6点整,一家人围坐在占据了狭小的厨房的大部分空间的胶木桌边。
- At 6 p.m. sharp , my family gathered around the yellow formica table that took up most of our small kitchen .
- 福米加表示,去年11月份和12月份,newstar遭遇了大规模资金外流和赎回。
- In november and december new star saw significant outflows and redemptions , says mr formica .