- 但在某些时候,卵泡不破裂释放卵细胞或者在释放卵细胞后再次关闭,这种结构里依然充满了液体,这样就形成了一个卵巢囊肿。
- Occasionally , a follicle doesn 't open to release the egg or recloses after releasing the egg and swells with fluid , forming an ovarian cyst .
- 医生可能建议无需任何治疗,只需监视囊肿,观察是否会自行消失。
- Your doctor may recommend nothing more than closely monitoring a breast cyst to see if it resolves on its own .
- 有时由于内部麦粒肿,感染消失了,你却由于腺体阻塞而引起囊肿。
- Sometimes with the inner styes , the infection goes , but then you 're left with a cyst because of the blocked gland .