- 屏幕数量的泛滥,使得阅读和写作的数量继续增长。
- More screens continue to swell the volume of reading and writing .
- 由爱好者制作的应用将如泛滥般袭来,上述数字也会增长。
- The coming deluge of apps made by amateurs will see those numbers swell .
- 固定汇率和强大的资本流入会造成外汇储备和货币供应增长。
- The fixed exchange rate and strong capital inflows have caused foreign-exchange reserves and hence the money supply to swell .
- 花钱去拓展手机地图领域让高德的盈利有所波动。
- Spending to expand mobile mapping has crimped earnings at autonavi .
- 这也反映了美西在拓展互联网业务方面做出的努力。
- This reflects macy 's efforts to expand its online business .
- 我的职能继续扩张。
- My duties continue to expand .
- 第二条途径是用通货膨胀消蚀债务。
- The second route was to inflate the debt away .
- 欧元国也不能用通货膨胀的方式来降低借贷成本,因为他们不能控制货币政策。
- Nor can euro members inflate the cost of the debt away , since they do not control monetary policy .
- 第一种可能性是,发达国家用通货膨胀抵消其债务,办法可能是一波大过一波的量化宽松。
- One possibility is that the developed world will attempt to inflate its debt away , perhaps by ever-larger doses of quantitative easing .
- 运算9乘以13,你的瞳孔会稍微扩大。
- Calculate nine times 13 and you pupils will dilate slightly .
- 他们以各种方式详述了破坏的妙处。
- In their various ways they all dilate upon the advantages of destruction .
- 而且她们细小的冠状动脉血管,就是主动脉树上的分枝,在需要的时候很难被扩大,更加限制了血流。
- What 's more , their smaller coronary arteries-the twigs on the arterial tree-can fail to dilate when they should , further restricting blood flow .