- 蒙特利尔的艺术鉴定专家彼得保罗比罗(peterpaulbiro)用革命性的多光谱相机拍摄了这幅画像,并在检查照片时发现了这枚属于食指或中指指尖部位的指纹。
- The fingerprint , which corresponds to the tip of the index or middle finger , was found by peter paul biro , a montreal-based forensic art expert , when he examined images taken of the portrait by the revolutionary multispectral camera .
- 每张面值纸币的正面和反面都是雕刻师按照图或照片手工制作而成.每名雕刻师负责设计的一部分--一个制作肖像,另外一个负责数字,等等.
- The design of the front and back of each denomination bill is hand tooled by engravers working from a drawing or photograph . Each engraver is responsible for a single portion of the design-one doing the portrait , another the numerals , and so on .
- 他们还说,所用的油漆也具有是那个时期的特征,肖像画里男人所穿戴的复杂而又昂贵的花边环状领款式的情况也是这样。
- They said the paint used was also characteristic of that period , as was the intricate and costly style of the lace ruff worn by the man in the portrait .
- 我画了三幅田纳西的肖像。
- I did three big portraits of tennessee .
- 他的办公室墙上挂着两幅他所崇拜的政治偶像的肖像。
- His office is adorned with portraits of two of his political idols .
- 通常拍人物肖像时我们应当选择柔和的光线。
- Portraits should usually be taken in soft light .