- 这盏明灯是否还会大放光芒还不清楚。
- Whether that beacon will shine again is unclear .
- 在对冲基金这个世界中,即使已经失去光泽的星星也可重放光芒。
- Even tarnished stars shine brightly in the world of hedge funds .
- 将旧硬币浸入可乐里能让它们变得闪闪发光、更加适合收藏和装饰。
- Give old coins a soak in coke . This gives a brilliant shine for collections and decorative items .
- 粉色凯迪拉克的车头灯会照亮我们这座南方城市的夜晚。
- The warm glow of pink cadillacs will illuminate our southern nights .
- 这些阐明了它们的人智学的概念。
- These illuminate the anthroposophical concepts of them .
- 他们并不能阐明为什么b值从一个地点到另一点变化如此之大。
- Nor do they illuminate why the value of b varies so much from place to place .
- 洛杉矶日落和日出经常很耀眼,但对于美国西部和东亚的人来说,几天时间里它们有一个特殊的光环:月球划过太阳,遮住了一切留下了炽热的光圈。
- Los angeles sunrises and sunsets often dazzle , but they 'll have a special ring to them in a few days for people in the western united states and eastern asia : the moon will slide across the sun , blocking everything but a blazing halo of light .
- 使用激光的目的是为了使海盗目眩从而无法使用武器进行瞄准以及向海盗发出他们已经被发现的警告,并不会对他们的眼睛产生永久性的伤害。
- The aim of the laser is to dazzle pirates so that they are unable to aim their weapons , and to warn them that they have been seen , without permanently damaging their eyes .
- 决不要这样,相反的,让我们成为一束让世界为之目眩的阳光,让其他人和我们的女儿看到一位在各个年龄段都美丽动人的女性。
- No , instead , let 's be that ray of sunshine , dazzle the world , and show them , and show our daughters , what a woman looks like who is lovely and amazing at every age .
- 信贷市场正在缓慢恢复。
- The credit markets are healing .
- 信贷也是一个问题。
- Credit is also a problem .
- 到处都在削减贷款额度。
- Credit lines everywhere are being cut .
- 但倘若金钱是唯一考虑因素的话,许博士可能不会在这里。
- But were money the only issue , dr. xu might not be here .
- 许博士说,这里是他的两大实验老鼠生产基地。
- And here , dr. xu said , are his two homes for lab rats .
- 同时,许博士也在自己的职权之内,监督了令人印象深刻的新技术的开发。
- At the same time , dr. xu has overseen the development of impressive new technology in its own right .