Los angeles sunrises and sunsets often dazzle , but they 'll have a special ring to them in a few days for people in the western united states and eastern asia : the moon will slide across the sun , blocking everything but a blazing halo of light .
The aim of the laser is to dazzle pirates so that they are unable to aim their weapons , and to warn them that they have been seen , without permanently damaging their eyes .
No , instead , let 's be that ray of sunshine , dazzle the world , and show them , and show our daughters , what a woman looks like who is lovely and amazing at every age .
Seated at the table , I would try to blink my eyelids so as to catch the multicolored dazzle of the white-hot sky .
Whether the images are combined directly on a camera or on a computer , the result is a crisp photograph without any of the startling dazzle or unwanted artifacts produced by a bright camera flash .
There are too few such inspirational figures around today to dazzle and excite .
It was midday and we came across a dazzle of zebras approaching a waterhole to quench their thirst .
The novels of proust and joyce were written in a cultural twilight and were not intended to be read under the blaze and dazzle of popularity .
Before their shock and dazzle fades , he races on to discuss the success of mosquito nets in africa , how indian students read more ( and thicker ) textbooks than their european counterparts , and the latest trends in cancer rates in vietnam and mobile-phone innovation in sudan .