- 我问,但是她挥手叫我走开,让另外一个人上来。
- I ask , but she 's waving me away for the next person .
- 邻舍里的伊拉克人也很友好,我们无论走到哪,他们都会热情的挥手。
- And the iraqis in the neighborhood were friendly , waving whenever we passed .
- 每个瓶子都印有奥巴马在格兰特公园(grantpark)向群众挥手的图片。
- Each bottle features a photograph of barack obama waving to the crowd at grant park .
- 头顶的星辰给予了古希腊人无穷的数学灵感,但是他们可能从未想过能利用星星来计算圆周率。
- The stars overhead inspired the ancient greeks , but they probably never used them to calculate pi .
- 一般买方并不富裕但大都是来自农村和市郊的、达到小康生活水平的居民,皮说。
- Generally the buyers aren 't wealthy but are rural or suburban residents who have achieved moderate prosperity , says pi .
- 滨海新区负责人、苟利军的前任皮黔生于今年6月被免职,据报道称是由于腐败。
- Pi qiansheng , mr gou 's predecessor as head of binhai new area , was removed in june , reportedly for corruption .
- 那曾啃噬我肉体的吻。
- The kiss that ate my flesh .
- 用一个吻来封印你的爱。
- Seal your love with a kiss .
- 你该如何亲吻1900万名客户的脸颊?
- How do you kiss 19 million customers on the cheek ?