- 展示我的绿色的标尺.
- Show me a green ruler .
- 使这荒地再次变绿。
- Had turned barren land green again .
- 你的有机生菜有多绿呢?
- How green is your organic lettuce ?
- 硬玉又因含有一种叫铬的元素而成为绿色。
- Jadeite because of the element chromium contains a call to become green .
- 翡翠是一种以硬玉矿物为主的辉石类集合体,它真正的学名叫硬玉。
- Jade is a kind of jadeite pyroxene mineral-based collection class , its real school called jadeite .
- 硬玉是属于玉的范畴类的一种矿物。
- Jadeite is one of the minerals that fall under the generic category of jade .
- 这是澳大利亚颇具争议的艺术家patriciapiccinini的另外一款作品。
- Another work of the australian controversial artist patricia piccinini .
- 一些反对派,像因卡塔自由党成员帕特里夏德里尔,对姆贝基在打击犯罪活动的立场表示满意。
- Some opposition members , like patricia de lille of the independent democrats party , expressed satisfaction with mr. mbeki 's position on crime .
- 许多像派翠西亚一样的知名人士都出奇地谦恭。
- Many famous people like patricia are surprisingly humble .