- 那你怎么予以控制呢?
- How do you take control ?
- 所以我打电话给控制。
- So I call the control .
- 国家管理还有另一个坏处。
- State control has other pernicious effects .
- 有自控的人能约束自己的反应。
- People with self-control restrain their reactions .
- 政府需要找到能约束金融市场、又不至于羁绊金融市场的方法。
- Governments need to find a way to restrain financial markets without shackling them .
- 每个人都在时时约束自己,为什么我们不能集体约束自己?
- Individuals restrain themselves all the time ; why can 't we do it collectively ?
- 百翰.杨同意留下来。
- Brigham young agreed to stay .
- 公司允许员工们待在家里。
- Companies allowed workers to stay home .
- 你是说要呆在家里?
- You mean you want to stay at home ?
- 但是,延迟也是情理之中。
- But the delay is excusable .
- 飓风alex导致了5天的延迟。
- Hurricane alex caused a five-day delay .
- 欧盟高级官员指责德国拖延兑现承诺。
- Senior officials blame germany for the delay .
- 周五祈祷日后的土地日,耶路撒冷旧城的大马士革门发生冲突,以色列边境警方用胡椒粉喷雾剂扣留了其中的巴基斯坦抗议者。
- Israeli border police officers use pepper spray as they detain a palestinian protester during clashes on land day after friday prayers outside damascus gate in jerusalem 's old city .
- 它要求警察检查他们拘留、拦截或者逮捕的任何人的在留资格,并且对他们非法在留保有“合理猜疑”。
- It requires police to check the immigration status of anyone they detain , stop or arrest and have a " reasonable suspicion " of being in the country illegally .
- 这些债权人拥有相当多的银行账户,上个月,他们甚至使加纳的法院扣押了一艘阿根廷海军护航舰。
- The creditors have seized a handful of bank accounts , and last month got a court in ghana to detain an argentine naval frigate .