- 并且要严格遵守明细表。
- And stick to the list .
- 列出你生命中关键性的时刻。
- List the defining moments of your life .
- 列出来,并原谅他们。
- List them and forgive them .
- 鹰派经济学家也引用弗里德曼反通胀运动。
- Hawks also cite friedman 's anti-inflation crusade .
- 他们还引用实例来说明其实用性。
- They cite examples of its usefulness .
- 我所举出的这些例子,只不过是数百个例子中的一部分而已。
- The examples in the box are just some of hundreds I could cite .
- 我父母是前嬉皮士,从来都不费心去列举家里的规矩。
- My parents are former hippies who never bothered to enumerate house rules .
- 为什么,就算是涂上一层漂亮的黄色也包括超过一个人所能够列举的所有人的技能之和。
- Why , even the processes by which the lacquer is made a beautiful yellow involves the skills of more persons than one can enumerate !
- 不过,他还是枚举了一些政策制定者用以改善金融体系的办法,例如收紧资本金要求,或把投资银行部门与零售银行部门隔离开来。
- He did , however , enumerate ways in which policy makers are seeking to make the system work better , whether by tightening capital requirements , or ring fencing investment banking arms off from retail subsidiaries .
- 然而,大多数大型零售银行的分散程度并不特别高。
- Most big retail banks however are not particularly spread out .
- 但是伊朗的研究地点分散开了,并且有一些加强的反攻击的防御,只有再三的打击才能摧毁。
- But iran 's sites are spread out and some of them hardened against strikes demand repeated hits .
- 展开毛巾或纸巾在一个硬的工作面上。
- Spread out the towel or paper towels on a hard work surface .