- 由于水的蓄热和蒸发作用,可大量消耗投射在屋面上的太阳辐射热,降低屋面温度,减少通过屋面的传热量,起到隔热作用。
- Because the accumulation of heat of water and evaporate fit are used , can use up in great quantities project the sun radiate on roofing is heated up , drop roofing temperature , reduce those who pass roofing to pass quantity of heat , have adiabatic effect .
- 致男人:有些女人很漂亮很迷人,就像高级彩色激光打印机一样,但你不仅仅要考虑买下它的花费,更要留意日后耗材的消耗,你微薄的薪水是否能承受。
- Send a man : some women are very pretty very attractive , resemble advanced color laser printer same , but the expenditure that you should consider to buy it not just , more should advertent in the future of bad news material use up , whether can your meager pay bear .
- 你可能会想使用1.0来得到完全高质量的渲染,并且你可能希望使用设置更高的设置用于非常复杂的场景,但是0.5能提供比上一版本的非-采样降低图像更好的质量。
- You will probably want to use up to 1.0 for final quality renderings , and you may rarely wish to use even higher settings for really complex scenes , but even 0.5 provides greater quality than non-downsampled images from previous versions .
- 用一个旧牙刷蘸醋可以洗干净空调格栅和排气扇的死角。
- Use anold toothbrush to work the vinegar into the tight spaces on air-conditioner grilles and exhaust fans .
- 而在消防站,空载卡车又将火警人员暴露在柴油废气中。
- And at the fire station , idling trucks expose firefighters to diesel exhaust .
- 而且,在路上的他们比在人行道上的行人更接近废气。
- And they 're on the road , closer to exhaust fumes than sidewalk pedestrians are .