- 这也正是它们为何仍在裁员或缩短工时的原因。
- That is also why they are still making workers redundant or shortening their weeks .
- 有人甚至将其归咎于白昼缩短带来的心理影响。
- Some have even blamed the psychological effect of shortening days .
- 工程师们一直有个梦想,希望能缩短电池的充电时间。
- Engineers have long dreamed of shortening the time it takes to recharge batteries .
- 她说和他们家人的通讯交流已经被切断了。
- She said communications with their extended family had been cut .
- 减少风险有两种途径。
- The risks cut two ways .
- 为什么要剪成短发呢?
- What made you cut it ?
- 因其导致的经济损失更是有目共睹,特别是四面楚歌的各大银行将会缩减资金供应。
- The economic damage from it will become more evident , particularly as embattled banks curtail their lending .
- 自由演讲的拥护者把这形容为进一步削减网络讨论。
- Free speech advocates have called that an attempt to further curtail online discussions .
- 但如果所有大型经济体都削减需求,那些需要采取紧急措施解决赤字问题的国家就无法通过出口主导的途径摆脱困境。
- But if all big economies curtail demand , there will be no export-led route out for those countries that need to take urgent action on their deficits .
- 俄国的贸易顺差正在缩水。
- Russia 's trade surplus is shrinking .
- 巴林目前正面临着经济收缩和政治动荡。
- Bahrain faces a shrinking economy and political unrest .
- 航空公司则透过美元迹象观看日益收缩的世界。
- Airlines see the shrinking world largely through dollar signs .