- 《曼斯菲尔德花园》表现了世俗与非世俗的并存;《爱玛》对自欺欺人的虚荣心给予了反思;《劝告》将真挚爱情与精打细算进行了对照.
- Mansfield park presents the antithesis of worldliness and unworldliness ; emma gives the thought over self-deceptive vanity ; and persuasion contrasts the true love with the prudential calculations .
- 陈所要面临的战争气势咄咄逼人。
- Chan 's war has arrived with a vengeance .
- 老陈一直在为改变它的命运而努力。
- Chan has been trying to change that .
- 像chan这样的检举员每年举报出数千辆冒黑烟的车辆。
- Tailpipe spotters like mr. chan turn in thousands of smoking vehicles a year .