- 即使有某方面比较和谐,进展仍然是缓慢的。
- Even where interests chime , progress is slow .
- 周一,hague的评论其实与利比亚全国过渡委员会主席穆斯塔法阿卜杜勒贾利勒的意见一致,主席在本月初告诉路透社,如果卡扎菲放弃权力便可以继续留在利比亚。
- Hague 's comments on monday chime with those of mustafa abdul jalil , president of the rebel national transitional council , who told reuters earlier this month that gaddafi could remain in libya if he agreed to step down .
- 很难看出这一做法如何改善竞争或者公司的生存能力,但它至少与很多投资者的观点一致,(那就是,)ing的联合模式过于笨重了。
- It is hard to see how this improves either competition or the firm 's viability , but it does at least chime with the views of many investors that ing 's conglomerate model is too unwieldy .