- 在我们竭力防范攻击或逮捕犯罪份子的同时,我们继续坚持对人权和基本自由的承诺。
- In our vigorous effort to prevent attacks or apprehend criminals , we retain a commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms .
- 我们不希望在酒中找到粉笔做矿物记录,但是粉笔的想法帮助我们理解味道。
- We don 't expect to find chalk in a wine with mineral notes , but the idea of chalk helps us to apprehend the taste .
- 军官们急着去逮捕卡车相信兰登是在屋顶上。
- The officers rush to apprehend the truck , believing that langdon is on the roof .
- 它还可以帮助癫痫病和孤独症患者更好地理解并管理他们的行为。
- It 's helping those with seizures and autism better understand and manage their behaviour .
- 核磁共振成像扫描显示这个女性大脑中明显与癫痫相关的区域有一块肿瘤。
- Mri scans revealed a tumor in the woman 's brain that was apparently linked with the seizures .
- 许多儿童患者在十几岁时可自愈。
- Many children outgrow absence seizures in their teen years .