- 我宁愿选择眼前放着一根穿好了针的线。
- I prefer having a thread with a needle close at hand .
- 这个螺旋线展示的领袖品质,使得去伪存真的组合变得轮廓清晰。
- By the apparent leadership of the screw thread , the refined combination comes into focus .
- 但是从那一刻起,我明白了,爱情就像是生活中被子里的一根线。
- But from this experience , I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life .
- 仅仅过了一代人,美国已经不是一个超级大国了。
- After just a generation , the united states was no longer a hyper power .
- 我如果喝了太多咖啡就会变得很兴奋。
- I get hyper if I drink too much coffee .
- 巧克力使他们最小的孩子变得亢奋和脾气暴躁。
- Chocolate makes their youngest child hyper and bad-tempered .
- 他讲波兰语、依地语和俄语。
- He spoke polish , yiddish and russian .
- 意第绪语是一种堕落的语言毒瘤还是一种不可或缺的文学与政治媒介?
- Was yiddish a degenerate linguistic compromise , or the essential literary and political medium ?
- 她收录了多种语言的发展历程,英语自不必说,其中还包括了意第绪语,荷兰语,冰岛语等其他语言。
- She takes in the development of yiddish , dutch , icelandic and of course english , as well as others .