- 胚芽鞘:用来保护发育的胚芽的鞘状的结构。
- Coleoptile a sheathlike structure that protects the developing plumule in grasses .
- 出胚芽和胚根的命运.
- State the fate of plumule and radicle .
- 弥补曾经的失误,赶上繁忙的工作、任务、练习,补上要写的博客、要回复的邮件,这些其实都是很容易的。
- It 's easy to get caught up in all the fluff , the busy work , the errands to run and the practice to get to , the blog post to write and the email to respond to .
- 新鲜的硅藻细胞尸体在海底也到处都是,研究团队相信硅藻的生长像一层绒毛,大部分在海底停止。
- Fresh diatom cell corpses littered the seafloor as well , and the research team believes that much of the bloom ended at the bottom as a layer of fluff .
- 你相信,你的去皮的绒毛会脱落-慢慢地,一次一层-直到满意.你相信自由。
- You trust that the peeling of your fluff will reveal - slowly , one layer at a time - contentment . You trust in freedom .