- 这是一个时代的终结吗?
- Is this the end of an era ?
- 我该结束这一切吗?
- Should I end this now ?
- 监管改革无法以激励结束。
- Regulatory reform cannot end with incentives .
- 油价在今年结束时会达到多少?
- Where will oil finish the year ?
- 需要两周时间才能完成。
- We need two weeks to finish .
- 但它真的会以这种方式来结束吗?
- But did it really finish that way ?
- 但结局总算是真的。
- Yet the ending rings true .
- 事实上结局是没有的。
- But there is no ending .
- 让你们的故事有一个快乐的结局。
- Give your story together a happy ending .
- 很多人都害怕死亡。
- Many of us fear death .
- 卡曼常常收到死亡威胁。
- Karman often receives death threats .
- 邮件中发出死亡威胁。
- Death threats in the mail .
- 它的经济终将痊愈。
- Its economy will eventually recover .
- 最后s在报社辞职了。
- Eventually s quit the magazine .
- 几乎可以肯定地说,这一转换终将发生。
- That the shift will occur eventually is almost certain .
- 但这并不是故事的全部。
- But that is not the entire story .
- 然而这并不是问题的全部。
- But that 's not the entire story .
- 整片地区可能很快就会消失。
- The entire district may soon be gone .
- 最后,我们只剩下最后一个问题。
- In the end we are left with a question .
- 最终还是信心和信誉占到全部。
- In the end confidence and credibility are all .
- 但以往的记录表明,使用着的活语言到底是不可控的。
- But the record suggests that living languages are not in the end controllable .