- 同时,箱体上有一台电视机的形象,放映的是美国工人在底特律的电视机组装线上作业的情景。
- The image of a television on the box , meanwhile , displays a picture of american workers on the line assembling televisions in detroit .
- 在他们寻找贷款的时候,karma的组装工作被放到了芬兰。
- At the time it sought a loan , it was assembling the karma in finland .
- 三菱电器也开始关注本国太阳能产业,他们考虑了一系列方案:发射巨大的组件,然后在太空中把他们组装起来。
- When mitsubishi electric started looking at solar power in japan it , too , was thinking along the lines of launching giant structures and assembling them in space .
- 它采取的战略是包装技术供企业使用。
- Its strategy is to package technology for use by businesses .
- 想要查询你发送的ups包裹现在到哪了?
- Want to know where the ups package you sent is ?
- 一个男孩今天把包裹寄了出去。
- A boy dropped this package by today .
- 这以把他们打包到交易型开放式指数基金上赚钱而告终。
- It ended up packaging them into an exchange-traded fund and making money .
- 沃尔玛通过减少浪费性的包装材料省下了一大笔钱。
- Walmart has saved a fortune by reducing wasteful packaging .
- 制造和包装也可能会分开。
- Manufacturing and packaging may be separate .