- 第一份大纲并不需要太严谨。
- Make the first outline tentative .
- 根据你的大纲安排或者重排你的想法。
- Arrange and rearrange ideas to follow your outline .
- 如果形状是不规则的,阴影应该沿着轮廓走。
- If the shape is irregular , the shadow should follow its outline .
- 她的著作几乎都已绝版,且不论这一事实的不公,这似乎是一个错失的良机不管纸书的未来如何,人人都在看电影:一部姬尔影评手册将是每一个netflix用户的绝佳指南。
- Her books are virtually all out of print , and even apart from the injustice of that fact , it seems like a missed opportunity whatever the future of books , it 's still the case that everyone watches movies : a kael compendium is a perfect accompaniment to a netflix subscription .
- 他给出了概略的信息。
- He provides a compendium of information .
- 这是一份有关当地城市管理程序的纲要和国家邻里监督组织知道方正的文件,政府将这两个文件归类整理,并经常更新。
- It 's a compendium of local city procedures and the national neighborhood watch guidelines , which the city put together and often updates .
- 无法控制的恶性通胀迫使津巴布韦民众排着长队购买面包、牙膏和其他生活必需品。
- The runaway inflation forced zimbabweans to wait in line to buy bread , toothpaste and other essentials .
- 它缺乏一个独立国家的多数必备要素,而且已经面临着内部叛乱。
- It lacks most of the essentials of statehood , and already faces rebellion from within its midst .
- 完成任何有价值事情的三个伟大的基本要素就是:艰苦工作、坚韧不拔和具备常识。
- The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are : hard work , stick-to-itiveness , and common sense .