- 碳纤维已经取代铁和铝被引用到从飞机制造到山地车的各个领域内。
- Carbon fibre is replacing steel and aluminium in products ranging from aeroplanes to mountain bikes .
- 像纤维、钙可以和脂肪分子结合,帮助他们彻底的通过肠道。
- Like fibre , calcium binds with fat molecules and helps flush them out through the intestine .
- 操作员现在能够控制纤维属性,在适当的时间获得适当的纸张质量。
- Operators can now manage fibre properties for the rightpaper quality at the right times .
- 而在南部一些地区,大米是用密封包装袋出售的普通主食。
- But in some parts of the south , rice is a common staple sold in sealed packets .
- 他承认,关于引起语言差异原因的猜想已经成为多数不负责任的业余的语言学的主题。
- He acknowledges that conjecture about what causes linguistic differences has been a staple of much irresponsible amateur linguistics .
- 自手机的屏幕变得足够小后,可弯曲屏幕的展示就成了科技展的主题。
- Demonstrations of " bendable " screens have been a staple of technology shows ever since there were screens small enough .
- 这张成像锐利的照片,用宽带和窄带滤光镜制作,捕捉到星云显著的细丝状结构的细节,它突出了在发光气体中强烈的氧原子发射的蓝绿色。
- The sharp image , made using broadband and narrowband filters , captures striking details of the nebula 's filamentary structures . It shows off a blue-green color from strong emission due to oxygen atoms in the glowing gas .
- 丝状真菌原生质体融合技术。
- The technique for protoplast fusion of filamentary fungi .
- 将纤维材料卷绕到星形卡上。
- Winding filamentary material on to star shaped cards .