- 她有着苗条的身材和一头黑黑的长发。
- She 's slender with long dark hair .
- 阿尔法系列中最有可能进入美国市场的是mito,这款运动型汽车车身纤细,平均每加仑汽油跑39英里。
- The most likely alfa candidate for the u. s.is the mito , a sporty , slender car that averages 39 mpg .
- 当他双腿交叉起来的时候,你会发现它们是那样难以名状地苗条修长。
- As he crosses his legs you observe that they are immeasurably long and slender .
- 短睡眠者通常会很瘦并且新陈代谢很快。
- Short sleepers also tend to be thin and have faster metabolisms .
- 在镜头里,时装模特们看起来瘦得令人担忧。
- On camera , fashion models look worryingly thin .
- 难怪你会这么瘦,你吃得好少啊。
- No wonder you 're so thin , you eat so little .