- 这只座头鲸(megapteranovaeangliae)在新西兰海域被一个虾笼和浮标缠住。
- This humpback whale ( megaptera novaeangliae ) has become entangled in a craypot and buoy in new zealand .
- 挪威仍将自己视为一个和平之都,但该国早已卷入不止一场战争,无法再将这些战争局限于电视屏幕上。
- The country still sees itself as a capital of peace , but it has become entangled in wars that it has been unable to confine to the television screen .
- 由于被生命自然本能的肉体感官的假象所欺骗,人们在追求利益结果的行为活动中纠缠不清,获得了圆满智慧的人不应该去打扰那些无知无明的人。
- Beguiled by the false identification of the bodily senses of the material nature they become entangled in fruitive activities , one in perfect knowledge should not disturb those unintelligent persons lacking knowledge .