Achieving that goal will require mr schmidt to navigate the delicate task of avoiding the antagonism of rivals and sparking privacy fears from its users .
Some think that behind his antagonism lurks a desire for accommodation-and even an alliance .
Excessive antagonism can lead to trade wars , and then everyone loses .
One of bin laden 's main aims was to produce mutual antagonism between the us and muslim worlds .
If he and al qaeda fueled antagonism between the us and the muslim world , they also pushed america toward a better understanding of the middle east .
Second , it tends to promote antagonism between the police and the mostly poor communities where drug markets are found .
Since chile annexed bolivia 's sea coast in the 19th century , bolivian politicians of all persuasions have cultivated antagonism towards chile .
Certainly a few humanitarian missions will not overturn centuries of antagonism , nor are they likely to bring revolutionary changes to japanese foreign policy .
If he could lessen muslim antagonism towards the west and israel , that would make israel safer and so more willing to consider concessions for middle east peace .