- 他儿子看着他带点自豪地品完免费的智利cabernetsauvignon。
- He savors the last of his free glass of chilean cabernet sauvignon as his son looks on with pride .
- 一般说来,长相思(sauvignonblanc)之类的白葡萄酒应该在5到6年之内饮用,这样才能保持它的果味和清新香气。
- Certain wine varietals , such as sauvignon blancs , can typically be consumed within five or six years to retain their fruity characteristics and fresh aromas .
- 老练的品酒行家应该也不会排斥长相思,这种酒对从初尝者到专家都具有持久的吸引力。
- But seasoned oenophiles shouldn 't dismiss the sauvignon blanc either - a good bottle has lasting appeal for everyone , from beginners to experts .