- 救助计划既混乱又不可信。
- The scheme is confused and unconvincing .
- 但你自己的理论几乎同样混乱。
- But your own theory is almost as confused .
- 瓦斯开始在混乱的村民间弥漫开来。
- The gas rolls across the confused villagers .
- 混乱的布置是问题所在。
- The problem is the muddled arrangement .
- 但这传递了混乱的信息。
- But the message was muddled .
- 医保是一个巨大而混乱需要规范的产业。
- Health care is a huge muddled industry in need of regulation .
- richardfuld,雷曼兄弟的首席执行官,之后告诉国会,他对于美国政府保住贝尔斯登和aig却没有出手拯救雷曼感到困惑。
- Richard fuld , chief executive , later told congress he was bewildered the us government had not saved the bank when it had helped secure bear stearns and the insurer aig .
- 当数万名twitter用户将斯旺西联排屋尽头的一座房子和希特勒的脸作比较时,房子的主人感到很困惑。
- The elderly owner of an end-of-terrace house in swansea was left bewildered when hundreds of thousands of twitter users compared his house to hitler 's face .
- 虽然正在努力搜集证据,但并没有出现奇迹,女性感到困惑并且无能为力。
- But it comes as no surprise that , while trying to find justice , abused women are left feeling bewildered or powerless .