- 六月,世界粮食计划为将近20万人分发给养,但联合国粮食计划署的官员声称由于缺乏国际基金,无法满足所有人对食物的需求。
- In june , the world food program distributed rations to nearly 2 00000 people , but wfp officials said that a lack of international funds meant it was unable to distribute food aid to all who needed it .
- 超级大国的公民不得不又一次忍受食糖定量供应的羞辱。
- Citizens of a superpower again had to bear the indignity of sugar rations .
- 其余都要上缴国家用于定量供应他人,康说。
- The rest was turned over to the state to distribute as rations , kang said .