- 如果警方能沿嫌犯的路径重走一遍,就有可能破解案件。
- If the cops can retrace the suspect 's path , they can potentially crack the case .
- 研究人员发明了一种更坚固的钢材,不会在低温下出现裂缝或断裂。
- Researchers have created a tougher form of steel that will not splinter or crack at low temperatures .
- 还有一种可能就是,地基墙有裂缝,水才渗了进来。
- Another possibility is that the foundation wall has a crack that 's allowing water to penetrate .
- 即使是从花园里摘的野花,也会使很多母亲开心的。
- Even a bunch of sour sobs picked from the garden will make most mothers smile .
- 他摘下了所有的苹果并且开心地离开了。
- He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily .
- malybai村子附近的地面上铺满了刚刚摘下来的烟叶。
- Freshly picked tobacco leaves lie on the ground near the village of malybai .