- 然而,它的发动机不服从目前f1的发动机生产规则,是因为它独特的燃料是从巧克力中精炼出来的油。
- However , its engine does not currently comply with f1 regulations because of the unusual fuel , produced by refining oils in chocolate .
- 过去3年,欧洲和北美的石油需求一直在下滑,这两个地区是石油行业多数现有精炼和市场营销业务的所在地。
- Over the past three years oil demand in europe and north america home to most of the industry 's existing refining and marketing base has fallen .
- 石油工业者清楚地知道世界对原油的需求将与日俱增,所以他们在精炼能力、基础设施和油轮投资上不惜血本。
- The industry had been convinced that the world would become ever thirstier for oil , so it made huge investments in refining capacity , infrastructure and tankers .
- 由于矿产资源可能不纯,现在也必须开采更多的矿,进行更细致的提炼。
- They also have to extract more tons and refine them more because the reserves may not be as pure .
- 很多公司仍在日本保留“母工厂”以改善生产工艺和保留生产技能。
- Companies still keep " mother factories " in japan to refine their production processes and retain skills .
- 上周,google为其搜索结果页面揭开新的面纱,此举旨在帮助用户进一步改善其查询请求。
- Last week , google unveiled new tools for its search-results pages to help users further refine their queries .
- 不过,制作一份简洁而有效的电子履历并不难,只需要的就是一点点思考、调查和时间。
- Yet it is not difficult to build up a succinct and effective digital cv it just takes a little thought , research and time .
- 程序开发者想要一种更精炼和更灵活的语言去提高他们的生产效率。
- Developers want languages that are more succinct and flexible to improve their productivity .
- 在这一章我们将讨论如何使用scala来写出精炼的,灵活的代码。
- This chapter discusses uses of scala that promote succinct , flexible code .