- 也就是说,厚的轴能够极大地增加摩擦力。
- Meanwhile , a thick axle would hugely increase the amount of friction .
- 八名犯人跑着穿过环绕着监狱的浓密的树林。
- The eight men run through the thick forests surrounding the prison .
- 这种发型你需要:卷发,浓密的头发效果会更好。
- The hair you 'll need : wavy , thick hair will work best .
- 真空电子管体积庞大而又不可靠,还要消耗大量能量。
- Vacuum tubes were bulky , unreliable and consumed too much power .
- 技师为他们庞大的白色衣服充满气体以确保衣服没有漏洞。
- Technicians pumped up their bulky white suits to make sure there were no leaks .
- 饮食和锻炼神话#4:举重会让女人变得体积庞大。
- Diet and exercise myth # 4 . Lifting weights will make women bulky .
- 他用挑衅的语气大声说道。
- He said in a loud offensive voice .
- 当雷声大起来时他们抱在一起跑进室内。
- When thunder was very loud they 'd embrace and run inside .
- 韦尔奇以性子急、大嗓门和直截了当而闻名。
- Mr. welch was known for being brash , loud and direct .
- 总与电脑耗在一起令我感到恶心。
- Being on computers all the time makes me feel gross .
- 苹果或许并不能永远保护其业内领先的毛利润率。
- Apple probably can 't protect its industry-leading gross profit margins forever .
- 我所说的较高的毛利率,是指60%以上。
- And by high gross margins , I mean 60 per cent or more .