- 选择篝火之夜作为罢工之日是蓄意挑衅:在这颇有代表性的一天,伦敦消防队员需要处理电话呼叫业务是往常夜晚的三倍。
- Choosing bonfire night is deliberately provocative : london 's firemen typically deal with three times as many calls on november 5th as on normal nights .
- 我们举行了一个仪式,纪念我的厕所挣扎生涯结束,我们烧了一堆篝火,把剩下的三张椅子付之一炬。
- In a ceremony that marked the end of my toilet struggle , we had a bonfire in which we set the three remaining chairs on fire .
- 德国埃尔宾格罗德:人们站在一堆复活节篝火旁。摄影:gerobreloer/美联社
- Elbingerode , germany : people stand around an easter bonfire photograph : gero breloer / ap
- 生蚝让孩子们难以下咽,但当管理员在篝火把它们烤熟之后,每个人又吃个没够。
- The kids gagged over the raw oysters , but when the counselors cooked the shellfish on the campfire rocks , everybody asked for seconds .
- 十七岁的泰勒在营火旁看《圣经》。
- Tyler seacrest , 17 , follows along in his bible at the campfire .
- 当你好好享用一顿阿拉伯烤肉自助餐,外面营火的影子在帐篷上闪烁,
- Shadows from the campfire outside flicker on the tent as you feast on an arabian barbecue buffet .