- 大麻用罐头瓶子装着放在玻璃柜台后面,贴着类似天行者以及无名字的标签。
- Pot is kept behind glass counters in canning jars tagged with names like skywalker and nameless .
- 当反应堆的另一个控制棒扯出来时,辐射计数器跳字了。
- As the pile 's other control rods were mechanically withdrawn , radiation counters ticked up .
- iovine先生说,有时候一个星期他能收到来自地方政府的20个盖革计数器的订单,然后接下来几个星期都一个都卖不出去。
- During a typical week , mr. iovine says , he may get an order for 20 geiger counters from a local government followed by several weeks without any additional sales .
- 叶片裂片宽三角形,不规则具牙齿,尖渐尖。
- Leaf blade lobes broadly triangular , irregularly dentate , apices acuminate .
- 藤本植物或者攀缘灌木通过合轴枝具钩的尖攀援;幼株直立,灌木状,单轴分枝;外部的植株无毛。
- Lianas or scandent shrubs climbing by hooked apices of sympodial branches ; juvenile growth erect , shrubby , monopodial ; plants externally glabrous .
- 本文从系统学角度分析了学术球系统的内部结构层次性和两极点概括性、多样性、功能演化开放性和适应性;整体演化非线性、演化方向不可逆性和演化发展动态性等发展特征。
- This paper analyses the developing characteristics in interior structure hierarchy , recapitulate of two apices , varieties , open performance and adapting , non - line whole evolvement , direction of evolvement and dynamic of evolvement developing on system aspects .