- 父母拥抱自己的孩子能够建立孩子和父母之间的纽带和深厚的感情。
- Parents embrace to their children can build a bond and strong affection between children and their parents .
- 自然血亲的父母子女关系,只能因依法送养子女或父母子女一方死亡的原因而终止。
- Natural and consanguineous parents children concerns , stop what because send lawfully , can raise children or death of parental children one party only consequently formerly .
- 根据我国婚姻法的规定,父母子女关系分为两大类:自然血亲的父母子女关系和拟制血亲的父母子女关系。
- According to the regulation of our country marriage law , cent of parental children relation is two kinds big : natural and consanguineous parents children concerns and plan to control consanguineous parental children concern .