- 三小时笔试的人为因素。
- The artificiality of a three hour written examination .
- 职业教育(四年和三年的课程)的期末考试包括一个详细阐述的主题或实际操作,母语以及文学方面的书面考试。
- The final examination in vocational education ( four-year and three-year courses ) consists in the elaboration of a theme or practical examination and a written examination in the mother tongue and literature .
- 体检全程由护士小姐导引,150余项体检项目采用国际流行快速、无痛、科学诊断技术,为每位疗养宾客担供一份详尽周到的体检结果报告书。
- The whole physical examination course is led by nurses . All the 150 physical examinations use the international popular fleetness , indolence , and science examination technique , offering each guest a detailed and thoughtful written report of the physical examination results .