Trans fats are common in processed foods , including cakes , biscuits and fried foods .
Trans fats are found in a variety of junk foods , like fried , packaged , and fast foods .
Thirty years ago we would have said that leninist capitalism was a contradiction in terms , like fried snowballs .
Eating simple foods , rather than fast foods or convenient foods or sweet or fatty or fried foods , can be a joy .
When he finished the constitution , long read recipes for fried oysters and other southern dishes as colleagues dozed at their desks .
When I fry bologna ( for a fried bologna sandwich , of course ) it always forms a big greasy bologna dome .
It required spending more than a month on the amazon in 2001 , subsisting on fried piranha and collecting tissue samples by nicking the aquatic mammals with a crossbow .
From hair-of-the-dog formulas to deep fried goodness , and seriously gross concoctions , we 've got the best and the brightest in global hangover grub .
They 're sort of like pancakes and kind of like yorkshire puddings , hot , just fried , soft inside and with a crispy edge !
It 's known that anything in his backyard garden is free for the taking ; one neighbor says thanks by leaving plates of fried green tomatoes on his front step .