- 人们在室外滑冰场滑冰,吃烤香肠大餐,徜徉在市区童话般的气氛中。
- Skate on the outdoor rink , feast upon grilled sausages and soak up the fairy-tale ambience in the heart of the city .
- 安徒生童话已成为世界各国孩子们童年记忆的一部分。
- The anderson fairy tale becomes a part of children childhood memory .
- 刘世英有时会忘记,自己不是在讲童话故事,而是一家企业和其创始人的真实经历,但是艾梅霞把毕恭毕敬的原著改写成了一个可读性很强的故事。
- While liu forgets sometimes that he is not telling a fairy tale but the real story of a company and the life of its founder , avery has turned the reverential original into a highly readable tale .