- 女人都喜欢坏男孩。
- Women love the bad boy .
- 小男孩只是笑了笑,继续往前走。
- The boy just laughs and keeps walking .
- 家里每个人都被小男孩搞得很累。
- Everyone in house tired from the boy .
- 她父亲曾经是一个穿着水手服的帅气小伙子,兄弟姐妹一共八个,全出生于20世纪开头的十年。
- Her father , that charming little lad in the sailor suit , was one of eight children , all born in just over a decade at the start of the 20th century .
- 但是昨天这个小家伙睡过头了这使得nicki迟到了一个小时。
- But yesterday the lad slept in - making nicki an hour late .
- 那时的丹尼尔个性独立、出入荒野,热爱狩猎,是一个精力旺盛的男孩。
- Daniel appears to have been a scrappy lad who loved hunting , the wilderness , and independence .
- 顾先生认为,上海住房销售的一半左右都以现金结算。
- Around half of apartment sales in shanghai are done in cash , says mr. gu .
- 谷开来已在上月被判谋杀罪成立,并被判处死刑缓期执行。
- Gu was found guilty of murder and handed a suspended death sentence last month .
- 检方指控谷开来在去年十一月投毒杀害了英国商人尼尔伍德。
- Ms gu is accused of poisoning neil heywood , a british businessman , last november .