- 在密苏里,你甚至可以在洞穴里用餐。
- In missouri , you can even eat in a cave .
- 不久之后他将进入一个山洞并遭诅咒。
- Soon he will visit a cave and encounter a curse .
- 我的山洞的顶层塌了下来,差点就送了我的命!
- The roof of my cave fell in , and nearly killed me !
- 危机漏洞越来越大。
- The hole is getting bigger .
- 凡是法律,皆有漏洞。
- Every law has a loop hole .
- 这个孔也是一种强大的氧化剂。
- This hole is also a powerful oxidiser .
- 巨龙正端坐在英国国家科学院伦敦英国皇家学会(royalsociety)优雅的兽穴中。
- The dragons were sitting in an elegant den at the royal society in london , britain 's national academy of sciences .
- 北极熊也从洞穴钻出来,朝他和他的助手冲过去。
- The bear emerged from her den and started to charge him and his assistant .
- 这对狼鱼夫妇于缅因州海岸边的一处深海巢穴处被人们发现。
- This mated pair was found in a deep-sea den off the coast of maine .
- 这个景点在柬埔寨很不一般,因为它与柬埔寨昔日的阴暗面无关,而与她历史上的辉煌相连,这个景点就是吴哥窟。
- And unusually for cambodia , it wasn 't related to its haunting past but to its golden days . The site was angkor wat .
- 黄昏时分,泰国叻丕府watkhaocongpran寺院附近一个洞穴中的蝙蝠飞出来寻觅食物。
- Bats from a cave near the wat khao cong pran temple fly out in search of food during dusk in ratchaburi province , thailand .
- 莆田县笏石搬运站。
- Putian county station wat stone removal .