- 谁设计了太空针塔?
- Who designed the space needle ?
- 太空冒险公司创建于1998年。
- Space adventures started in 1998 .
- 这块陨石从外太空而来。
- It came from outer space .
- 给自己成长的空间。
- Allow yourself room to grow .
- 这个市场还有扩大的空间。
- There is room for growth .
- 给自己一些玩乐的空间。
- Give yourself room to play .
- 本文在风险资产价格和总产出空间内,建立了无风险资产和风险资产、信贷和商品市场的联立均衡模型。
- Within the interspace of risky asset price and output , we describe simultaneous equilibrium in money and risky asset markets , and credit and goods markets .
- 就这样,黄区长官黄金龙和新任黑区长官黑必胜,带领着斗志昂扬的第一星际梯队,向一团太空旋风一样,向遥远的宇宙深处,冥王星面向来袭小行星的轨道进发。
- Then , huang qu senior official yellow jinlong and the incumbent black area senior official black must win , is leading the fighting spirit spirited first interspace echelon , is same to a group outer space tornado , to the remote universe deep place , pluto faces raids the planetoid the track to set out .
- 较粗大的掌背静脉,分别位于四个掌骨间隙处;第1、4掌骨间隙处的静脉与皮神经呈伴行关系,但第2、3掌骨间隙处的静脉与皮神经呈交叉关系。
- Four thicker dorsal metacarpal veins were formed in interspace of four metacarpals.the cutaneous nerves in the first and fourth metacarpal space were concomitant with the veins , but those in the second and third metacarpal space were cross the veins .
- 澳大利亚悉尼塔龙加动物园,四个月的亚洲小象鲁克柴在圈里玩足球。
- Four-month-old asian elephant calf luk chai plays with a football in his enclosure at taronga zoo in sydney , australia .
- 阿富汗,堪布尔:一只猴子坐在动物园围栏内的一棵树上。
- Kabul , afghanistan : a monkey sits on a tree inside a zoo enclosure
- 塞尔维亚,贝尔格莱德:vambo,一头白色的狮子,正看着它在贝尔格莱德动物园的围栏
- Belgrade , serbia : vambo , a white lion , in seen in his enclosure at belgrade zoo