- 这不是一个对10年战争的全面视野,更确切地说是引人深思和意义深远的生活片段美国历史上最长战争结局的先兆。
- It is by no means a comprehensive look at 10 years of war , but rather an evocative and profound slice of life -- at the beginning of the end of the longest conflict in u.s. history .
- 这不仅仅是对战争的10年的整体回顾,更是对生命的唤醒和深刻剖析在美国历史上历时最长的冲突的尾声开始
- It is by no means a comprehensive look at 10 years of war , but it is an evocative and profound slice of life -- at the beginning of the end of the longest conflict in u.s. history .
- 当天晚上,慈悲的师父就显示一个异象给师姊看:一棵已经枯萎的丝瓜藤,象徵人生已走到尽头。
- That night , our merciful master showed the fellow sister a strange vision in her dream : first , there was a withered loofah plant , symbolizing the end of life .