- 朝鲜的金正日(kimjong-il)也会把导弹打造成犁锄,来养活其贫困的国民。
- North korea 's kim jong-il would have hammered missiles into ploughshares to feed his destitute people .
- 这种战术看起来毫无意义,因为美国与韩国已经明确表示,除非贫困的朝鲜放弃核项目,否则绝不会让步。
- Such a tactic would seem pointless because the us and south korea have ruled out concessions to the destitute north until it dismantles its nuclear programme .
- 韩国民众虽然可能痛恨金正日政权,但并不希望看到能引发两国战争的一丁点风险,他们也没有胃口惩罚这位贫困的北方邻居。
- Southerners may loathe kim jong il 's regime , but do not want the slightest risk of war and have no appetite for punishing their destitute northern kin .
- 贫穷是其中最为严重的。
- Poverty is the most important .
- 贫穷对我们来说是一种自由。
- Poverty for us is a freedom .
- 更严重的贫穷也是一个因素。
- Greater poverty is also a factor .