- 血凝素蛋白的形状像一个蘑菇,有一个长的茎和一个含有结合位点的球形头部。
- The protein is shaped like a mushroom , with a long stalk and a globe-shaped head that contains the binding site .
- disklabs的资深分析师尼尔巴克说:“如果我需要更多信息,可以用这款软件追踪你。”
- " If I wanted more information , then I could just stalk you , " says neil buck , a senior analyst at disklabs .
- 捕猎通常在黑暗中由雌狮完成,它们通常2或3个一组,利用团队去追踪,包围,杀死猎物。
- Hunting generally is done in the dark by the lionesses . They often hunt in groups of two or three , using teamwork to stalk , surround , and kill their prey .
- 这些法案的支持者们希望这些法律中规定的措施可以阻挡住盗版的浪潮。
- The bill 's backers hope the measures in the legislation will stem the tide of piracy .
- 另一项主要研究成果是干细胞。
- The other major development was stem cells .
- 其他银行正在寻找更微妙的方式阻止现金的大量流动。
- Others are finding more subtle ways to stem the flow .