- 他们已经提出离婚诉讼了。
- They have filed for divorce .
- 我们那一代人是第一代成长在离异家庭的孩子。
- My generation was the first to grow up as the children of divorce .
- 有时,导致合作破裂的原因是死亡、离异,或者仅仅是意见分歧。
- Sometimes it is death , divorce or simply diverging priorities that lead to a break-up .
- vasterling说:“精神分裂就是其中的一个风险因素。”
- " Dissociation is one of many risk factors , " says vasterling .
- 发表在《神经元》杂志中的实验结果显示,各恐惧反应间存在有趣的游离,正是这种内在的不统一为勇敢的举动奠定了基础。
- The results , reported in neuron , revealed an interesting dissociation between fear reactions , a sort of internal disagreement paving the way to courageous acts .
- 国际社会研究多重人格与人格分裂新闻,七月,6-9页。
- International society for the study of multiple personality and dissociation news , june , pp.
- 有四个相互独立的银行管理机构。
- There are four separate banking regulators .
- 有两个独立的问题。
- There were two separate problems .
- oturakast包含不同的抽屉。
- Oturakast consist of separate drawers .