- 有些人会将不同健康状况的症状组合在一起,象精神分裂症的幻觉和抽动秽语综合症中的猥亵。
- Some combine symptoms from different conditions , such as hallucinations of schizophrenia and obscene outbursts found in tourette 's syndrome .
- 尤其是一个蠢笨的或淫秽的名字给一个地方带来的不只是窃笑的陌生人,还包括生意。
- Not least because a daft or obscene name can bring much more to a place than sniggering strangers . Including business .
- 第一版后没多久,他被控以发布淫亵文学及罚款五十元。
- Not long after the first edition appeared , he was charged with publishing obscene literature and fined fifty dollars .