- 面粉甲虫是厨房的一个祸害,但它们绝不仅仅污染的食物。
- Red flour beetles are a scourge of the pantry , but theyare up to more in there than just infesting your food .
- 贫困,地理和基础设施差决定了印度面对可能是世界上最重的疾病负担,从传染性疾病,穷人一直以来的祸害,到富裕疾病,如糖尿病和高血压。
- Poverty , geography and poor infrastructure mean that india faces perhaps the world 's heaviest disease burden , ranging from infectious diseases , the traditional scourge of the poor , to diseases of affluence such as diabetes and hypertension .
- 上个世纪最伟大的公共卫生胜利之一是天花的根除.在1980年,当该疾病被宣布为灭绝后,人们便停止使用天花疫苗.这似乎是对这中世纪的祸害在科技上取得的完全胜利的最后标志.
- One of the greatest public-health victories of the last century was the eradication of smallpox . After the disease was pronounced extinct , in 1980 , people stopped using the smallpox vaccine . That seemed the ultimate symbol of technology 's triumph over a medieval scourge .
- 但他好像遭受到了优胜者的诅咒。
- But he has suffered the favourite 's curse .
- 并且,它是对商业生产的咒骂。
- And a curse to business productivity .
- 过早获得巨大成功也可能是种诅咒。
- Big wins early on can be a curse .
- 选举被暗中操纵的事实及其造成的社会不稳定已是菲律宾大部分民主史上的祸患之源。
- Rigged elections and the instability they create have been the bane of the philippines for much of its democratic history .
- 生物膜的祸根:细菌粘合到一起形成一个防护型的整体,可以抵抗病毒的攻击。
- The bane of biofilms : bacteria bound together in a protective matrix tend to resist viral attack .
- 盗版有可能是音乐产业的祸根,但一项新的研究表明,盗版行为也可能成为音乐产业的源动力。
- Piracy may be the bane of the music industry but according to a new study , it may also be its engine .
- 欧洲人正在极力避免灾难降临。
- People strive to avoid disaster .
- 因为这是一场生态灾难。
- This is an ecological disaster .
- 第三,越来越需要为灾害做准备。
- The third was the growing need to prepare for disaster .