- 在某种程度上是帕潘德里欧自己铸成了他的不幸。
- Mr papandreou was in part the author of his own misfortune .
- 否认这一权利无疑是给他们的不幸施加更多的残忍。
- To deny it to them is to add cruelty to misfortune .
- 从他人的不幸中获利,你作何想?
- How would you feel about benefiting from someone else 's misfortune ?
- 欧洲人正在极力避免灾难降临。
- People strive to avoid disaster .
- 因为这是一场生态灾难。
- This is an ecological disaster .
- 第三,越来越需要为灾害做准备。
- The third was the growing need to prepare for disaster .
- 这些能毁了你的一整天。
- And it can ruin your day .
- 沉迷和被迫做某事都会毁了原本好的生活。
- Addictions and compulsions can ruin lives .
- 杠杆开始与狂妄和毁灭联系在了一起,而不再是增长的捷径。
- Leverage becomes associated with hubris and ruin , rather than a short-cut to growth .
- 要杀她的一切公牛,使他们下去遭宰杀。他们有祸了,因为他们的日子,就是向他们追讨的时候,已经来到。
- Slay all her oxen ; let them go down to slaughter . Woe to them , for their day has come , the time of their punishment .
- 为了让杨改口,四凤扮仙姑给杨为健算命,说他喜宴有祸并教他化解之法。
- In order to let yang shifted , four chicken dress up as to yangweijian fortune-telling , said nun 1 woe and taught his wedding of his solution method .
- 爱情就是交替的欢乐与痛苦。
- Love 's alternate joy and woe .