- 客观论之,道德属于他律,是人人必须遵守的社会规范,所以,道德是功利的,它以自我利益持守为出发点,以权利与责任对等为基本原则,以实现个人利益为直接目的。
- Objectively , morals are heteronymous , which are the social norms that everyone should abide by . So , morals are utilitarian , which take self interests as the starting points , reciprocity of rights and responsibilities as the basic principle , and the reality of individualinterest as the direct object .
- 尽管蒲柏常常利用诗歌对腐朽的朝政和堕落的文坛进行讽刺和鞭挞,但他对于现存的社会伦理和政治秩序却持保守态度。
- Although pope often satirizes and castigates the corrupted government and the degenerated literary world in his poems , he holds a conservative attitude to the existing social morals and political order of his time .
- 道德和法律都属于社会的上层建筑,道德法律化是将那些反映社会基本的具有普遍性的道德价值加以法律化,有助于主体内在道德的对象化。
- The morals and the law all belong to social the overtop structure , the moral legalization is basic has these reflections society the universal moral value to perform law , is helpful for the morals internalizes human behavior .